Now...there is NOTHING wrong with chat rooms....hell I belong to a few....where I met my twin soul in Cali.....yep Cali-Ho (kinda like tali-ho...but she is a ho so it fits her....) I was saying...when people suggest posting pics of yourself....might I suggest you look in the mirror first?
Case in point....Jon-R from the link above....Cali-ho and I were IM'ing (I had to share my pain of seeing this fucker...) and we were.....BLINDED!! Thank GOD I had an empty stomach....I mean seriously....WTF??....he is a HOT GAY MESS (cali-ho's words of wisdom...)
And in his post he says "These were taken at work today just after I got home from the hairdresser. Not the best quality and I don't think it does my face or my hairdo justice"
Bitch no picture in the WORLD will do your face and hairdo justice....because both of them are an INJUSTICE to humanity...

See what the fuck I mean? You paid money for that haircut? Jesus Christ!!! Go back and get a first glance I was like "That is an ugly bitch..." then I look down to the 2nd pic and the name and find out it is a dude.....
Fuck...I am still shaking my head people....
For the love of all that is holy....DO NOT post your pic for all of America to see if you are FUGLY!! Please....
See...this is what happens when D (moi) is stressing at work...things start getting to me....but "I cain't takes it no mo'...."
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